Diego Forlan

Busy, so no chance to provide anything especially interesting.

But I need no excuse to offer you this priceless piece of Forlaneania.

It keeps up this site’s distinct United bias, and demonstrates why he’s secretly missed so very much.

2 Replies to “Diego Forlan”

  1. Is that off YouTube, James? There is a very good Giggs compilation there that demonstrates why he was – and still is – one of the most exciting sights in football on his day. Picture quality not good but even through the odd blur and the thrum of the soundtrack the thing is enthralling.

  2. Youtube indeed – a place of endless delights. I love that Giggs compilation. I only wish someone would put togehter some Law and Charlton: I’ve loads of decent clips on my BBC Match of the Day 3 DVD set, but there must be more out there somewhere.

    A complete aside: if you have a tabbed browser, and visit the audio section of Little Atoms, and have speakers and broadband, start each of the Eustonite interviews at five second intervals in a new tab. The result is a strange but beautiful combination of the haunting Little Atoms theme over a cacophany of voices from which emerge, every few seconds, telling phrases. Anyway, a complete aside.

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