Monday 30th April 2007

Apologies for the lack of posts. Professionally I have been very busy indeed for the last couple of months and will remain so as I build towards opening a new office in central London. Incidentally, if any of my readers use private dentistry in west or central London and are pleased with the service they…

1939: A More Than Mind Games Film

In memory of, and in tribute to, Humphrey Jennings, the great British film maker, some of whose work is excerpted here. Amongst the psychologically significant events of September 1939, including evacuation and call-up, was the abrupt closure of public sport (alongside cinema and theatre). Government’s later change of heart on this issue have obscured its…

Two New Links

Two fresh and welcome additions to the blogroll: The Sixth Day is for Football is a new project covering historical and sociological sides to football, whilst Just Like My Dreams is that rarest of things, a worthwhile team fan blog. It’s a West Ham blog, moreover, and, IMHO, shows how this kind of thing should…


I can’t help thinking it’s significant that we’re not shown or told what happened after this, or what brought it about in the first place… nevertheless, it’s what a lot of people want. If I were one of the men in vests, I’d assume that we were in a lot of trouble and that the…

Intermission and Classic Derby County

I’m going to be away for a week. You can spend it watching Derby County: versus Real Madrid, European Cup 1975 versus Manchester United in the snow in 1970 versus Nottingham Forest in 1971 versus Arsenal in 1972 versus Burnley in 1975

What is Football?

Football is a beautiful game, both balletic and combative, calling on the very highest levels of physical awareness, quick thinking, intelligence, courage and guile. Paul Scholes epitomized everything that is best about it in turning around Manchester United’s match against Blackburn Rovers on Saturday. Afterwards, Mark Hughes said of him: In those situations he has…

Just For Sunday..

..and to bring some fresh air in after the last post – Denis Law, the greatest Scottish striker of the post-war era, the best until Dalglish, and a proper human being by all accounts too: [youtube=] Clough v Nicholson: Derby County’s greatest team come back from the dead against one of my favourite Spurs line-ups…