Not much, at least not necessarily.
The principle change to football kit since 1905 has been in the shape of progressively lighter, less protective, more weather-stable and weather-adaptable boots. These were a Brazilian innovation, taken up by Stanley Matthews after the 1950 World Cup and further developed since then by European companies.
The ball has lost its deadly laces, but is the same weight as ever. Changes in flight reflect changes in shape and profile, and matter chiefly when a Beckham is in the offing.
Here is the best available comparison: modern players performing in old-style kit. It doesn’t hold them back in any noticeable way, although they do have the benefit of multiple takes.
Also, Jerry gets it, and we win in Paris. What more could you want from a film? And is Sly going to be fit to face Croatia, assuming the national qualification problems can be overcome in time?