France 1 England 0

I really don’t know. Do you? England played on a Wednesday night, having had all of two days together, away from home and against one of the strongest teams in Euro 2008. And came away with a single goal defeat, France having had to depend on a penalty. That sounds quite good, but England didn’t…


Youtube Blowout Finale: Kimjjj

Youtuber Kimjjj has posted the following COMPLETE MATCHES (and there are highlight reels too!). I know I don’t know where to start – there are many, many more after the jump: Brazil v England 1970 Brazil v Italy 1970 Brazil v Romania 1970 Holland v Bulgaria 1974 Holland v Argentina 1974 Holland v Germany 1974…


Youtube Blowout 3: Ajax and Best

It’s difficult to pick on one moment that exemplifies the Dutch moment in football. Two successive World Cup Final defeats were more than they deserved, and perhaps their 1974 demolition of then-champions Brazil is a better choice. Or the evening they ran riot at Wembley. But for atmosphere and feel, step down to the club…


Youtube Blowout 2: Old Favourites Rehashed

Repeated because I like them. First up, India’s 1936 hockey team demolish the Nazis: [youtube=] So does Jessie Owens. There he is, at the end, in colour, streaking away as if by doing so he could on his own prevent everything we know was to happen from happening… [youtube=] In far better days, England’s second…


Youtube Blowout 1: Brian Clough

The BEST Clough clip has been pulled by ITV. A pointless step backwards by them; it was only about two minutes long after all. But this is a fine substitute, with some very rare material: [youtube=]


Celtic v Inter: 1967 European Cup Final in Colour

A large chunk, amounting to about one-tenth of the entire game, of Celtic’s ’67 triumph, which took place in one of the most beautiful arenas then used for football. The same game watched first in black and white, then in colour, is faster, more skilful and less muddy the second time around. The moral of…


1954 World Cup Final : Hungary v West Germany

It was the most important World Cup Final in European football history – and the most meaningful for the country that won. For the neutral, a Final has never been more dramatic or emotional. Here is a largely successful colourization of the Final, which illustrates just how distancing and alienating black and white film can…
