Merry Christmas from MTMG

Wishing you all warm fires, an unlimited supply of good wine and food, and whatever it is for you that would make all this splendid and memorable. Thank you for your superb company in 2010. Here comes 2011. Brace, brace, brace!

Apollo 11 and a Football Pitch

You might remember this map – showing the walking routes of the Apollo 11 astronauts superimposed onto a standard-sized football pitch. On MTMG previously… The original map is actually taken from one of NASA’s own excellent sites – here – but still everyone treated it as something of a joke. Not so. Astonishingly, this turns…

James Elsewhere

I’ll be writing some short pieces for new cultural group blog The Dabbler – the first, which tracks the declining intelligence of English football managers, is here.

Good News

We arrived home in Edinburgh tonight to find the letter from the Home Office on the mat. My wife’s application for British citizenship has been accepted.

A Sport Blogger’s Reading Habits

These are my answers to a fairly random and unserious set of questions, culled from Norm and Tiberius Gracchus. I can’t help thinking that they are most aimed at exactly the kind of reader that I hate most of all – you’ll see what I mean. Nevertheless I’d be very interested to hear your own…

James Elsewhere: Aston Villa v Chelsea

I spoke to Chris Bevan of BBC Online yesterday about the prospects for Aston Villa v Chelsea in Saturday’s FA Cup Semi-Final. Context gives the game unusual interest. Only two weeks ago, Chelsea thumped Villa 7-1. Scores of that magnitude just don’t happen to top-four candidates like Villa. Just about every other instance of a…

Brain Tumours and Sport

This post is in memory of Willie Logan, supporter of both our friends Dunfermline Athletic and our charity Brain Tumour Action. Willie died in 2009 at the age of 45, two years after his own brain tumour was diagnosed. He leaves his wife, Karen, and son, Ewan, and a host of others who miss him…

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, everyone, and two contrasting, non-sporting things for you today: A message to the Empire from King George V: And an Irish folksong. It’s not about the words – which we’ve had before – it’s about the accent. After 15 months in Scotland of bringing conversation to a halt every time I open my…

Euston Manifesto

Today, 13Apr06, we — bloggers, academics, campaigners, writers, scientists, journalists, citizens — launch the Euston Manifesto. With this document we hope to publicly assert our progressive, democratic, egalitarian, internationalist principles in the face of recent attacks upon them from the Right and, to our dismay, the Left. Many of us are of the Left, but…